April 19, 2012
Press release:
Today, the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers (ASTPS) has launched a program to help returning combat veterans (RCVs) with IRS problems. ASTPS members have volunteered to represent the RCVs for no fee as a way of expressing our appreciation for their service.
In early March, ASTPS sent a request to members to participate in the program. Despite the fact that they were in the height of the tax season, seventy member firms committed in the first two hours, by the next morning, the number was over one hundred had committed. More firms signed on through the remainder of tax season and ASTPS expects more as soon as the practitioners catch up on reading their mail from ASTPS.
Locally, Accu-Tax of Maryville/Alcoa has joined the program. They will accept pro bono cases from our area that have enrolled at the ASTPS website located at ASTPS.org. Applicants must be RCVs with documentation of their deployment location and dates.
ASTPS members have tired of disreputable firms tarnishing the reputation of the industry. ASTPS practitioners are committed to demonstrating that they are dedicated professionals with a deep concern for the well-being of their clients. Of late, the only press coverage about the tax problem resolution industry has focused on the few firms guilty of consumer abuse. ASTPS members are determined to demonstrate that they are not like the abusers.
A recent article in USA Today reported that many of the RCVs return home only to face their government’s tax collectors. ASTPS found this unconscionable and by offering free representation hope to make the vets aware of our appreciation for their sacrifices. We also hope to put the proper face on our industry.
You may contact me for further comment or questions. Additionally, here is the link to the press release by the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers that is posted on the internet.
Respectfully submitted,
Ronnie Greene, EA
Following is my contact information:
Ronnie Greene, EA
312 S Calderwood St
Alcoa, TN. 37701
Phone 865-984-6329
email accutax@bellsouth.net
Fax 865-984-0930
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