The 112th Congress, which convened on 5 January 2011, is now
set to enter the record books as the least productive in a generation, passing
a mere 173 public laws as of 31 Oct 2012.
That is well below the so-called do-nothing Congress of 1947-1948 that
enacted 906 laws. It’s extraordinary
that with a $16 trillion debt and the threat of enormous tax increases and
mindless across-the-board spending cuts that Washington hasn’t even passed a
budget in three years.
Increases. The bulk of the fiscal cliff, over $200 billion (per year), entails automatic
tax increases, including, but not limited to, higher income tax rates for ALL
wage earners, increased investment tax rates for long term capital gains and
dividends, a return of the marriage penalty and higher estate and gift tax
levels. This category also includes an already expired alternative minimum tax
(AMT) “patch” (increased exemption), which, if not retroactively applied for 2012,
could subject over 60 million taxpayers to the alternative tax for the
current tax year (4 million paid the AMT in 2011). The President’s payroll tax cut for 2011,
a 2% reduction on the employee Social Security tax rate, was extended for 2012,
and now expires at the end of the year. It alone costs almost $130 billion.
maintains that it cannot wait much longer to issue 2012 tax year forms without
delaying the start of the 2013 filing season. Meanwhile, if the law isn't
changed, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that over 60 million Americans
will become subject to the AMT tax.
So what is the Fiscal Cliff? It is a combination of the following three
major events:
tax cuts expiring, extended by the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization
and Job Creation Act of 2010,
2. Federal Sequestering 40% across-the-board
spending cuts take effect under the Budget Control Act of 2011;
3. Obama Heath Care Tax implications
January 1, 2013:
Tax Holiday
Take home pay will also be immediately reduced if Washington does not extend the employee-side payroll tax holiday, or enact some replacement for it. The employee-share of Social Security Tax is scheduled to return to 6.2 percent instead of 4.2 percent.
Take home pay will also be immediately reduced if Washington does not extend the employee-side payroll tax holiday, or enact some replacement for it. The employee-share of Social Security Tax is scheduled to return to 6.2 percent instead of 4.2 percent.
Tax Rate Increases
Top Income Rate
10% to 35%
15% to 39.6%
Capital Gains
Social Security Rate
Estate & Gift Rate
Estate & Gift
$5.12 MM
$1.0 MM
Personal Exemption Phase-out (PEP)
As part of the automatic sunset of Bush-era tax benefits, after 2012 higher-income taxpayers also would once again be subject to the Personal Exemption Phase-out (PEP) on itemized deductions.
As part of the automatic sunset of Bush-era tax benefits, after 2012 higher-income taxpayers also would once again be subject to the Personal Exemption Phase-out (PEP) on itemized deductions.
Under current law, taxpayers in the 10 and 15 percent income tax brackets pay zero percent tax on qualified capital gains and dividends. The zero and 15 percent capital gains and dividend tax rates would increase for some taxpayers to 39.6% this represents almost a 300 percent increase when 39.6 percent rate is combined with the new 3.8 percent Medicare contributions tax on net investment income. Combined with a jump in the capital gains rate from 15 percent to 20 percent (23.8 percent with the NII tax), some economists are predicting a massive market sell-off at year end as taxpayers engage in basis-resetting strategies and reallocation of portfolio assets.
Under current law, taxpayers in the 10 and 15 percent income tax brackets pay zero percent tax on qualified capital gains and dividends. The zero and 15 percent capital gains and dividend tax rates would increase for some taxpayers to 39.6% this represents almost a 300 percent increase when 39.6 percent rate is combined with the new 3.8 percent Medicare contributions tax on net investment income. Combined with a jump in the capital gains rate from 15 percent to 20 percent (23.8 percent with the NII tax), some economists are predicting a massive market sell-off at year end as taxpayers engage in basis-resetting strategies and reallocation of portfolio assets.
Minimum Tax
If the alternative minimum tax (AMT) exemption amounts are not patched and made retroactive for 2012, they would be dramatically less than the exemption amounts for 2011. Under current law, the AMT exemption amounts for 2012 are $33,750 for single individuals, $45,000 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, and $22,500 for married couples filing separate returns. In comparison, the AMT exemption amounts for 2011 were $48,450 for single individuals, $74,450 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, and $37,225 for married couples filing separate returns.
If the alternative minimum tax (AMT) exemption amounts are not patched and made retroactive for 2012, they would be dramatically less than the exemption amounts for 2011. Under current law, the AMT exemption amounts for 2012 are $33,750 for single individuals, $45,000 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, and $22,500 for married couples filing separate returns. In comparison, the AMT exemption amounts for 2011 were $48,450 for single individuals, $74,450 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, and $37,225 for married couples filing separate returns.
Tax Credit
After 2012, the $1,000 child tax credit is scheduled to revert to $500 per qualifying child and taxpayers who cannot take full advantage of the child tax credit because the credit is more than the taxes they owe will no longer receive this as a refundable credit.
After 2012, the $1,000 child tax credit is scheduled to revert to $500 per qualifying child and taxpayers who cannot take full advantage of the child tax credit because the credit is more than the taxes they owe will no longer receive this as a refundable credit.
Few provisions in the Tax Code have been as uncertain in
their long-term fate as the federal estate tax. In 2001, Congress set in motion
a gradual reduction of the federal estate tax rate and repealed it for estates
of decedents dying in calendar year 2010.
Under the
2010 Tax Relief Act, federal estate taxes again applied to estates of decedents
dying after December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2013 (although estates of
decedents dying in calendar year 2010 could opt out of the federal estate tax
and apply a modified carryover basis regime). President Obama has proposed
extending the federal estate and gift tax under parameters in effect for
calendar year 2009 for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2012. That
level would set the estate tax exclusion at $3.5 million with a 45 percent rate
and the gift tax lifetime exclusion of $1 million.
Congressional action, the maximum estate tax rate is scheduled to be 55 percent
for estates of decedents dying after 2012 with a $1 million combined estate and
gift tax exclusion amount. Opponents of the estate tax continue to maintain
that it hurts family-owned businesses to the detriment of the economy.
For 2012,
a unified estate and gift tax exclusion stands at $5.120 million, with a 35
percent rate imposed on the excess. The exclusion effectively becomes $10.24
million for married couples. Depending upon a wealthy individual's estate plan
and the type of assets held, some practitioners recommend making large gifts
before 2013 to take advantage of the $5.12 million/$10.24 million amounts that
may be transferred gift-tax free before 2013.
The 2010
Tax Relief Act also provided for portability, which increases the surviving
spouse's lifetime exclusion for estate and gift taxes by the portion of the
deceased spouse's exclusion that is unused at the deceased spouse's death.
Portability is scheduled to sunset after 2012.
Business Expensing
Enhanced Code Sec. 179 expensing is scheduled to expire after 2012. Unless extended, the current expensing amount of $139,000 (as indexed for inflation) is scheduled to fall to $25,000 and the current $560,000 investment limit (as indexed for inflation) is scheduled to fall to $125,000.
Enhanced Code Sec. 179 expensing is scheduled to expire after 2012. Unless extended, the current expensing amount of $139,000 (as indexed for inflation) is scheduled to fall to $25,000 and the current $560,000 investment limit (as indexed for inflation) is scheduled to fall to $125,000.
Bonus depreciation at its current 50 percent rate is scheduled to expire after 2012 (after 2013 for certain transportation property and longer-lived property). It is unclear if President Obama will support an extension of 50 percent bonus depreciation.
Bonus depreciation at its current 50 percent rate is scheduled to expire after 2012 (after 2013 for certain transportation property and longer-lived property). It is unclear if President Obama will support an extension of 50 percent bonus depreciation.
Linked to the Bush-era tax cuts are a package of so-called
tax extenders. These are popular but temporary tax incentives.
Individual Extenders
- Higher education tuition deduction
- State and local sales tax deduction
- Teachers' classroom expense deduction
- Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs
- Deduction for qualified mortgage insurance premiums
- Code Sec. 25C residential energy property credit
The Code Sec. 25D residential energy efficient property credit is available for qualified property placed in service before January 1, 2017. Qualified property includes certain geothermal energy property and small wind energy property.
The Code Sec. 25D residential energy efficient property credit is available for qualified property placed in service before January 1, 2017. Qualified property includes certain geothermal energy property and small wind energy property.
Business Extenders
- Code Sec. 41 research tax credit
- Code Sec. 179 small business expensing
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- 15-year recovery for qualified leasehold improvements, restaurant property and retail improvements
- New Markets Tax Credit
Under current law, employers can take advantage of an enhanced WOTC for hiring qualified military veterans. The enhanced WOTC for veterans is scheduled to expire after 2012 but is a good candidate for renewal. However, it is unclear at this time if the WOTC for other target groups, which expired after 2011, will be extended.
Under current law, employers can take advantage of an enhanced WOTC for hiring qualified military veterans. The enhanced WOTC for veterans is scheduled to expire after 2012 but is a good candidate for renewal. However, it is unclear at this time if the WOTC for other target groups, which expired after 2011, will be extended.
Deduction for Medical Expenses
For tax years beginning after December 31, 2012, the Affordable Care Act increases the 7.5 percent threshold for itemizing medical expenses to 10 percent. However, the Affordable Care Act temporarily exempts individuals age 65 and older from the 10 percent threshold. Taxpayers (or their spouses) who are age 65 or older before the close of the tax year may continue to apply the 7.5 percent threshold for tax years ending before 2017.
For tax years beginning after December 31, 2012, the Affordable Care Act increases the 7.5 percent threshold for itemizing medical expenses to 10 percent. However, the Affordable Care Act temporarily exempts individuals age 65 and older from the 10 percent threshold. Taxpayers (or their spouses) who are age 65 or older before the close of the tax year may continue to apply the 7.5 percent threshold for tax years ending before 2017.
Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)
The AOTC, which is an enhanced version of the HOPE education credit, is scheduled to expire after 2012. If the AOTC expires, it will be replaced by the traditional HOPE education tax credit which is about one-half of AOTC and is not refundable.
The AOTC, which is an enhanced version of the HOPE education credit, is scheduled to expire after 2012. If the AOTC expires, it will be replaced by the traditional HOPE education tax credit which is about one-half of AOTC and is not refundable.
loan interest deduction
If not extended, the incentive would only be available for the first 60 months after repayment begins and would phase-out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income between $40,000 and $55,000 ($60,000 and $75,000 for married couples filing joint returns).
If not extended, the incentive would only be available for the first 60 months after repayment begins and would phase-out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income between $40,000 and $55,000 ($60,000 and $75,000 for married couples filing joint returns).
Return of
marriage penalty
The tax consequence of the marriage tax penalty
will be reinstated (government effort to discourage marriage). Instead of standard deduction being twice
that of two single people for married couples (as it currently is today) the
law would only provide a married couple 167% of the standard deduction instead
of the 200% two single people would receive.
President Obama's second term is expected to see the
continuing implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(Affordable Care Act). Many tax-related provisions in the Affordable Care Act
are scheduled to take effect in 2013 and beyond, including:
- 3.8 percent Medicare contribution tax (2013)
- 0.9 percent additional Medicare tax (2013)
- $2,500 contribution limit on health flexible spending accounts (2013)
- Increased threshold for itemized medical expenses (2013)
- New tax on medical devices (2013)
- State health insurance exchanges (2014)
- Individual shared responsibility payments (the individual mandate) (2014)
- Employer shared responsibility payments (2014)
- Premium assistance tax credit (2014)
- No annual dollar limits on health insurance coverage (2014)
- Increase in small employer health insurance tax credit (2014)
- New tax on "Cadillac" health insurance plans (2018)
The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act's individual insurance mandate in NFIB v. Sebelius, 2012-2 ustc ¶50,573. However, opponents argue that the employer's shared responsibility payment was not addressed by the Court in NFIB v. Sebelius. Some taxpayers have also challenged the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive provisions.
The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act's individual insurance mandate in NFIB v. Sebelius, 2012-2 ustc ¶50,573. However, opponents argue that the employer's shared responsibility payment was not addressed by the Court in NFIB v. Sebelius. Some taxpayers have also challenged the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive provisions.
Flexible Spending Arrangements
After 2012, the Affordable Care Act caps the maximum salary reduction contribution to a health flexible spending arrangement (health FSA) at $2,500. Salary reductions in excess of $2,500 will subject the employee to tax on distributions from the health FSA. The $2,500 limit will be indexed for inflation for tax years beginning after December 31, 2013. Effective January 1, 2011, the Affordable Care Act prohibited health FSA dollars from being used to reimburse the cost of over-the-counter medicines (except insulin).
After 2012, the Affordable Care Act caps the maximum salary reduction contribution to a health flexible spending arrangement (health FSA) at $2,500. Salary reductions in excess of $2,500 will subject the employee to tax on distributions from the health FSA. The $2,500 limit will be indexed for inflation for tax years beginning after December 31, 2013. Effective January 1, 2011, the Affordable Care Act prohibited health FSA dollars from being used to reimburse the cost of over-the-counter medicines (except insulin).
The Affordable Care Act imposes a 2.3 percent excise tax on the sale of qualified medical devices by manufacturers, producers and importers after December 31, 2012.
The Affordable Care Act imposes a 2.3 percent excise tax on the sale of qualified medical devices by manufacturers, producers and importers after December 31, 2012.
Below is a
detailed chart explaining Major Bush Tax Cuts and other tax items that are
expiring or have already expired earlier in year 2012.
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